Operating on canvas. With painting knife, pigments and a medium. This is my starting point for a job. Color selection and theme determines the working direction, canvas size, etc. You will see a number of my works by theme.
The prices are from400, –
Silent Depth, 100 x 100cm, 2015-4. Sold.
Silent Depth, 100 x 120cm, 2007-8
Silent Depth, 100 x 120cm, 2007-8
Silent Depth, 50 x 50cm, 2015-3
Silent Depth, 120 x 140cm, 2007 8/9
Unique surfaces, 100 X 100cm, 2008-2
Unique surfaces, 100 x 100cm, 2009-8
Unique surfaces, 50 x 50cm, 2008-4. Sold.
Unique surfaces, 50 x 50cm, 2008-7
Unique surfaces, 120 x 140cm, 2008-4
Unique surfaces, 50 x 50cm, 2008-8
Unique surfaces, 100 x 100cm, 1997-12
Unique surfaces, 50 x 50cm, 2007-12
Unique surfaces, 18 X 24cm
Unique surfaces, 40 X 160cm, 2008-4
Unique surfaces, 90 X 200cm, 2007-11
Unique surfaces, 50 X 50cm, 2007-8, sold.
Unique surfaces, 100 x 100cm, 2009-8
Unique surfaces, 100 x 120cm, 2005-3
Unique surfaces, 100 x 120cm, 2008-1
Unique surfaces, 100 x 120cm, 2007-3
Eggs, 100 x 100cm, 2008-7
Eggs, 100 x 120cm, 2008-7
Eggs, 50 x 50cm, 2007-12
Eggs, 50 x 50cm, 2008-2
Eggs, 50 x 50cm, 2008-1
Eggs, 100 x 100cm, 2008-8
Eggs, 2x 50 X 50cm, 2008-1
Eggs, 50 x 50cm, 2008-2
Gentleman and naughty Lady, 2 x 30 x 150cm, 2008-8
Gentleman and naughty Lady, 2 x 30 x 150cm, 2008-6, sold.
Gentleman and naughty Lady, 2 x 30 X 150cm, 2008-8, sold.
Gentleman and naughty Lady, 2 x 30 X 150cm, sold.
Gentleman and naughty Lady, 2 x 30 x 150cm, 2014-5
Diptychs, 30 X 100 + 70 X 100cm. Sold.
Diptychs, 2 x 30 x 30cm, 2009-8
Diptychs, 2 x 50 x 50cm, 2009-8
Diptychs, 2 x 30 x 150cm, 2011-3
Diptychs, 30 X 100 + 70 X 100cm, 2009-6
Diptychs, 2 x 50 x 70cm, 2008-8
Diptychs, 2 x 50 x 50cm, sold.
Diptychs, 30 x 100 + 70 x 100cm, 2008-8
In between Red, Black and White, 100 x 120cm, 2009-8
In between Red, Black and White, 4 x 50 x 50cm, 2004-3